Le Livre Sans Titre (The Book without a Title) is dated 1830 and it illustrates how dangerous masturbation can be.

He was young, handsome; his mother’s fond hope

He corrupted himself!… soon he bore the grief of
his error, old before his time… his back hunches…
his error, old before his time… his back hunches…

A devouring fire sears his gut;
he suffers horrible stomach pains…
he suffers horrible stomach pains…

See his eyes once so pure, so brilliant;
they are extinguished! a fiery band envelops them.
they are extinguished! a fiery band envelops them.

He can’t walk any more… his legs give way

Hideous dreams disturb his slumber…
he cannot sleep…
he cannot sleep…

His teeth rot and fall out…

His chest burns… he spits up blood…

His hair, once so lovely, falls as if from old age;
his scalp grows bald before his age….
his scalp grows bald before his age….

He hungers; he wants to satiate his appetite;
food won’t stay down in his stomach…
food won’t stay down in his stomach…

His chest collapses… he vomits blood…

Pustules cover his entire body… He is terrible to behold!

A slow fever consumes him, he declines;
all of his body burns up…
all of his body burns up…

His entire body stiffens!… his limbs stop moving…

He is delirious; he stiffens against death;
death gains strength…
death gains strength…
At the age of 17, he expires, and in horrible torment