High Paddington – Sergei Kadleigh, 1952

High Paddington was an amazing scheme, never built, for a vertical town of 8000 people over Paddington goods yard.

From the intro:

“PADDINGTON, like other London boroughs, is having to provide homes for many thousands of its people who are now living in conditions regarded to-day as unacceptable. There already exist standards of size and amenities for homes which are generally considered to be a useful guide for solving such problems; our task is now to devise the best way of applying these standards in practice.
The scale of Paddington’s problem is to provide homes for about eight thousand people—virtually a small town. As other boroughs have similar problems, it is clear that the solution for Paddington must spring from the bigger national issue of how to build to the accepted standards on this gigantic scale to the greatest benefit to the country as a whole. If it is necessary for us as a nation to use such a large part of our capital and resources in housing our people and expanding our towns, then it is obviously prudent to make sure that we do not do this at the expense of other aspects of our economy— agriculture and industry—for which we find it equally necessary to use our resources and capital.
Our problem now becomes more clearly defined. We have to build on the scale of a small town, to the accepted standards of size and amenity, and in so doing assist rather than hinder agriculture and industry, as in this way the nation as a whole would appear to benefit most from the very large outlay of capital and resources entailed.”

 via c86.tumblr.com

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