Katerina Kana, Thanos Kyriakides (BLIND ADAM) and Petros Touloudis / This Must Be the Place

This Must Be the Place / Curated by Kunsthalle Athena’s team: Marina Fokidis, Eleanna Papathanasiadi, Jorgina Stamogianni, Apostolos Vasilopoulos. Guest curator: Michelangelo Corsaro
Katerina Kana, Thanos Kyriakides (BLIND ADAM) and Petros Touloudis
The exhibition features also works by: Sotiris Bakagiannis (Kunsthalle Athena online commission 2013), Angelo Plessas, Socratis Socratous, Maria Tzanakou
May 9 – August 2, 2013
Visiting hours: Wednesday – Thursday, 18:30 – 22:00 
Address: 28, Kerameikou str., Kerameikos – MetaxourgeioAthens (map)


Photos by Stathis Mamalakis

Following the solo presentations of established and upcoming artists, Kunsthalle Athena presents this summer Katerina Kana, Thanos Kyriakides (BLIND ADAM) and Petros Touloudis. Three artists, who insist on living and working in Athens at this difficult time, meet up in Kunsthalle Athena on a peculiar co-existence that investigates the dynamic of the artistic spirit and production under all kind of severe economic and existential circumstances. Kunsthalle Athena chooses to focus once more on Greek artists. This time though, we decided to have a non-specific theme for our main show, since everyday life has become so hectic, that it cannot be expressed yet by verbal terms and meanings.
The artists who present their work in This Must Be the Place are working on the verge of form and image. They seem to have a prismatic comprehension of reality and thus create a body of work that is less a documentation than a subjective gesture or a bold sketch of life, in this given moment.