Stage for a journey at Remap4

Stage for a journey
by DAS and Irini Miga

Kerameikou 43, 1st floor
08 Sep – 30 Sep 2013

Mon – Fri 5.30 pm – 9 pm

Sat – Sun 12 am – 9 pm

For ReMap4, DAS and Irini Miga are collaborating on a site-specific installation consisting of an ephemeral installation, video works, and two live performances.
DAS is a German pop-music band that is a project of visual artists Gandalf Gavan and Ronnie Bass. DAS writes songs about space-travel, their own inner turmoil, and their relationship together. DAS also makes abstract paintings together. Irini Miga combines basic sculptural materials including clay, wood, and plaster and juxtaposes them with everyday ephemera such as vinyl, dust, and metal rods. By using these disparate elements, she aims to create a relationship between figuration, abstraction, and materiality while posing questions about the cyclical nature of history.
For this installation, DAS and Irini Miga are putting their practices into dialogue by converting an abandoned apartment space into their own dwelling for training and performance. Using clay, fabric, and paint as well as found objects from the streets of Athens the artists turn the apartment into an environment that is utilized as the artists’ and band’s temporary headquarters.
Music videos from DAS’ forthcoming and first album, “Zwischen Raum Zeit” (Between Space-Time,) are on display. The album comprises 23 songs and 23 visual artists have each made a video for one of the songs on the album. The artists were asked to create a video based on their interpretation of the song they were provided.
Contributing artists that made music videos include:
Sam Anderson, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Dani Bauer & Anna Shteynshleyger, David Dempewolf, Ellie Easton, Debo Eilers & Jane Jo, Tommy Hartung, Jon Kessler, Nicola Lopez, Ohad Meromi, Irini Miga, John Miller, Tracy Molis, George Murer, Rachel Rose, Georgia Sagri, Jessica Segall, Michael Smith, Jennifer Sullivan, Molly Surno, Shelby Voice, Jack Warren, and Rona Yefman