COLLECTION N°5 at Interior and the Collectors / Lyon

Lothar Hempel, Alicja Kwade, Ella Mievovsky, Anne Neukamp, Marnie Weber

Collection n°5
12 rue Bellièvre

69005 Lyon

Alicja Kwade untitled-2015

Lothar Hempel- Zwitter gruen-2009

Anne Neukamp-each work-Untitled-100x70cm-2015

Ella Mievovsky, Lothar Hempel

Ella Mievovsky-Fayette ville de 5 à 7- 2015

Marnie Weber, sea of silence 2009 (Film production still), photo by LeeAnn Nickel

Marnie Weber, sea of silence, 2009
Alicja Kwade untitled-2015
Images courtesy the artists and InteriorAndTheCollectors