Nancy Lupo: Parent and Parroting
March 13 – April 09, 2016
Swiss Institute is pleased to present the first institutional solo exhibition in the
United States of LA-based artist Nancy Lupo, who will present a new sculpture.
Lupo has created a loose structure from 28 racks meant for under-sink bathroom
storage, which she configured into a “U” shaped structure where the 28 racks stand
in for teeth in a closed human jaw. The racks have been encased in Magic-Sculpt and
kitty litter, confusing the already ambiguous form of the shelf – at once decidedly
overdetermined and utterly abstract. Across these racks, a drama of objects plays
out in several acts that evolve from moments of ontological confusion and language
So this mouth, this orange grove, this shrub or bush or whatever that began at the
very start of the catchall “holiday” season (also coincidentally citrus season), now
feels in the post-Valentines world more like a cramped bodega or some kind of
storage. That place where, when you go to grab your stress relieving herbal tea, you
bump up against a cache of chocolate mints stockpiled for the reception desk. It
might seem like a coincidence but of course these things are carefully coordinated,
orchestrated, scripted. Meanwhile, it seems to have now all metabolized literally
and elegantly into a classic potpourri. Perhaps it was there the whole time, but I’m
really smelling it now.
Nancy Lupo: Parent and Parroting is the sixth exhibition in the ONE FOR ALL series
at SI. Building on Swiss Institute’s long history of providing a platform for
emerging artists, each show will be the artist’s first institutional solo exhibition
in the United States, with a newly commissioned body of work specifically created
for the exhibition space. Swiss Institute is grateful for support from the VIA Art
Fund, Presenting Sponsor of the ONE FOR ALL series