Stephanie Hier & Larissa Lockshin at Three Four Three Four / Brooklyn NY

Stephanie Hier & Larissa Lockshin / Bone Dry

February 20 th – March 30 th

  Larissa Lockshin
 Stephanie Hier

  Larissa Lockshin
 Stephanie Hier
  Larissa Lockshin
  Larissa Lockshin
 Stephanie Hier
   Larissa Lockshin
  Larissa Lockshin
Three Four Three Four is pleased to present “Bone Dry”, a two person show by Stephanie
Hier & Larissa Lockshin. 
“Men are mere mortals who are not worth going to
your grave for.”  -Shirley Bassey 

 I remember a tale of groundlings who shed faster than rumblings of a long night’s flame
kissing Eaaarth eternal, Eaaarth most holy. After every soul spoke of routine did an oxblood
quickness overtake an enveloping grey­stricken horizon. Approaching awe twisted in rotating
knots until each night became a candlestick longer, turn, turn, turn. Here come mineral and
transfiguration glued to tongues heavy with ‘they said, they said’:
“Burn them. Drown them. Weigh them down in alabaster. 
Gems scream even through the densest of bruise­tainted waters,  
over desert Temptation walks where drummers exist at a tortoise tempo. 
Places of crackling silt then no banging.  
No cattle skulls to break vision. 
More gravel and whispers until every drop can become something to write home about.”