Emmanouil Chousakos, Michael Dodson, Dimitris Gketsis, Ilektra Maipa, Luca Resta, Adrianna Wallis, Terje Storli Collection 

curated by Nicolas Vamvouklis 

August 8 – 28, 2016

Vasilia Tafilia Residence 
Agia Paraskevi, 
81102 Lesvos Island, 

One could almost say that manis a ceremonial animal. 
Ludwig Wittgenstein 

We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. 
Albert Einstein 

K-Gold Temporary Gallery presents the group exhibition Brave New World curated by Nicolas Vamvouklis in a domestic space in Agia Paraskevi of Lesvos island. 

Different yet so similar, individuals live within a vicious circle where new needs and desires are always expected to be fulfilled. Aldous Huxley presents in his dystopian futuristic novel Brave New World (1932) people enjoying social stability, perfect health and youthfulness away from misfortunes and the fear of death. Why are we now living in the era of anxiety despite the impressive progress in knowledge? Which is the primal and ultimate need of the civilisation in terms of personal and therefore global survival? 

The centrepiece of the exhibition is a series of metal plaques from the collection of Terje Storli carrying forms of figures, body members and objects. Ex-votos constitute an important historical corpus of the Aegean material culture engaged in the ritual act of offering to the divine. Rending visible the innermost aspects of the human psyche, they are anathematic objects that transmit the archetypal message of finding order in life. 

Starting from a history of the utopias of reconstruction, the exhibition investigates the relations between present and future highlighting the notion of faith. Six emerging artists move between the levels created by the locus and the human presence, intervening within the interior architecture of the uninhabited house as formed by its previous occupants. Their installations articulate over issues of human representation, bodily functions and material awareness. They reflect critically upon instinctive human tendencies towards reason and metaphysics as parts of a continuous reshaping of the contemporary world. 


It is a temporary, nomadic platform for contemporary art that was founded in 2014 in the Greek island of Lesvos.
The Gallery focuses on collaborative approaches to cultural production within its locality and beyond by activating alternative spaces and offering artists and curators the opportunity to expand their practice. 

**With the support of NEON Organization for Culture and Development