29.10. – 12.11. 2016
Last chance to join the Sauna sessions
November, Saturday 12th
4 pm and 5 pm
Heit Berlin
Eichendorffstrasse 5
10115 Berlin
The art-collective MAIK Alles Gute invites you to a solo exhibition in the spaces of
Heit; a real-time sauna experience that brings you closer to the realm of service
MAIK Alles Gute comprises Marie Jeschke, Raik Zimmermann and the budgie Bubi
S., who the group describes as a “birdish position” that is continuously in flow.
With the help of an industrial dehumidifier, MAIK Alles Gute accesses multiple areas
of service industry, including a mobile phone repair shop, a hairdresser’s, a
kindergarten and a home assistance service, drawing out their essence in watery
At Heit, MAIK Alles Gute presents a total of 10 different service contexts; 350 cubic
metres filter through, totalling 50 litres per day. Each extract has been arduously
refined, homeopathically potentiated and neatly bottled. The result: two litres of
takeaway fumes from a Chinese restaurant, 200 millilitres of kindergarten
concentrate, and no more than a sip of ciggy-seller-concentrate. Their content is of a
subtle rather than material nature – the waters are nearly odourless.
Under the supervision of Mrs. G. Gehrke, a qualified specialist for sauna and
swimming pools, the distillates will be evaporated again in the sauna over a period of
three weeks. Visitors are invited to participate by taking a sauna within the installation
“postsocialist realism by MAIK Alles Gute (in remembrance of W. Tübke)” simultaneously
inhaling each infusion.
The exhibition title is a re-appropriation of MAIK Alles Gute’s socialisation in the
GDR, which forms the catchword “postsocial realism”. They leave behind the pathos
of social realism in order to gain a more pragmatic and clearer perspective in a
contemporary context of service industry. Where working people might sweat through
their labour, these fleeting moments can caught, distilled and made tangible as each
infusion is poured over hot stones. The artists thus see their work as a holistic fresco;
not plaster and painting, but skin, sweat and steam are combined to form a
participatory painting that is taken in by the idle sauna-goers. The towels absorb the
sweat both of their owners and the workers from service contexts. These towelremnants
will gradually build into an installation in the ‘public’ area of the exhibition.
Out of these towels, a growing installation will be build in the public part of the
exhibition, as they form a second sweat lodge on the scaffold of three Streetbuddys.
The archetype of the modern sauna is widespread. It often takes the form of a
sukkah: a scaffold made from willow branches and covered with cloth. Within this
enclosure, health would be strengthened or the community would be stabilised as
part of shamanic rituals.
To accompany the exhibition, MAIK Alles Gute and Heit present a sauna-infusion
limited edition.
To participate and actively have a sauna at the exhibition, we ask you to contact us in
advance as space is limited.
Infusion 1 : Bestattungsinstitut* (na dann wolln’ wa ma. Herr D. nimmt das Telefon ab.)
Infusion 2 : Friseur* Hatun Günaydin schneidet einen mittleren Facon
Infusion 3 : Chinapfanne* wenn wir Bock ham haun wir noch n paar E’s rein
Infusion 4 : häuslicher Pflegedienst* beantragt zum wiederholten Male in Absprache mit
Schwiegertochter eine Dekubitusmatratze auf Grundlage der bewilligten
Pflegestufe III, nach §45
Infusion 5: Handyreparaturservice* B. bemerkt einen Fleck
Infusion 6: Flaschenpfandautomat bei LIDL* (16 Glasflaschen, 3 PET, 2 nicht aus dem
Infusion 7:Volkssolidarität* Lateinamerikanischer Tanzkurs unter 7 Euro p.P.
Infusion 8:Kippenverkäufer* Päckchen Jing Ling 3 Euro für S. (wahrscheinlich Rentner)
Infusion 9:Tierarzt* Jutta + Cookie + Lucky und es grüßen aus dem Regenbogenland
Charly t 24.03.2009 und Felix t 13.08.2010
Infusion 10: Kindergarten* Ruhephase nach Mittagessen (Bio) – Erzieherin C. blättert im
IKEA Katalog
Text: Matthias Planitzer