Raissa Angeli at Thkio Ppalies / Nicosia

Raissa Angeli
10.2.2017 – 3.3.2017 

Thkio Ppalies
2b Kissamou, Palouriotissa, 
Nicosia 1040, Cyprus


A diving board that throws into the world, a cosmic carpet that’s both there and there, traces of some past presence, a dialectical stadium, a balancing board and signs of happiness, passing, and approval. They open us up to being thrown into the world, being there in the cosmos, being there, being here, being in debate, being in balance, and being among old and new signs. Raissa Angeli’s latest work takes various things, including the German philosophical term Geworfenheit (thrownness), and unfolds them into an installation and instruction manual titled Cosmicomics (after Italo Calvino’s novel of the same name).