Mathieu Mercier at Luis Adelantado, Valencia / Valencia

Mathieu Mercier  / One or Two Abstractions, Few Objects and a Nude 

26 April – 28 June 2018

Luis Adelantado Valencia 
Bonaire, 6
46003 VALENCIA. Spain

Luis Adelantado is pleased to invite you to the second solo exhibition of
the influential French artist Mathieu Mercier at our gallery. The artist is presenting a selection of some of his most recent pieces, as well as some which can already be considered to be historical, such as his legendary axis and sphere, and his showcases. 
The One Or Two Abstractions, Few Objects And A Nude exhibition will be displayed on the four floors of our gallery’s main space, in an exercise of conceptually balanced dynamism and aesthetics. Following his line of research, Mathieu sets his sights on a series of objects that, yet being eminently functional, he decontextualises and converts into others, turning them into mere reflections of an echo of reality. 
The artist invites us to play with what we perceive as real—as opposed
to what generates doubt in us—by constantly including the ready made idea in his work. The great game of perception, and the discernment between what is real and what is not, is one of the mechanisms Mercier uses in some of the most striking installations he has developed for this exhibition. One of the pieces he is presenting tests our senses, showing us the front and back of a mirror, but… Is it real? 
Mercier has gifted us with an excellent exhibition, after working at Le Portique Contemporary Art Center in The Hague, and we are able to see some of the pieces he presented in that exhibition, where he manipulates the truth enclosed in objects, showing dialoguing contrasts. The artist has said that he trusts his intuition, a knowledge acquired through looking and reading, giving him a wide semantic knowledge of image. 

About the artist 
Mathieu Mercier (France, 1970) was distinguished with the prestigious Marcel Duchamp Prize in 2003. He has exhibited in some of the most important institutions in the world, such as the Center Georges Pompidou in Paris, the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris—both have works by Mercier in their collections—, the Foundation d’Entreprise Ricard d’Art Contemporain in Paris, Villa Merkel in Germany, the Kunstmuseum in St. Gallen, the FRAC Bourgogne, Le Crédac-Center d’Art Contemporain d’Ivry in France and the Kunsthalle Nürmberg in Germany, amongst others.