Rodrigo Red Sandoval at Chalton Gallery / London

Rodrigo R. Sandoval

4 April – 19 May 2018

Chalton Gallery
96 Chalton St, Kings Cross, 
London NW1 1HJ


There is a gesture which practically everyone makes to draw attention to things, we
point. Either we use a straight finger to quickly point out something (look!), or we make
a circle in the air to trace an area. Moreover – and this is how it started according to
Sandoval – we let our finger follow a shape, the outline of a thing. For example the
peaks of a mountain range, that make an undulating line in the air. What Sandoval
questions is how that outline divides the mountain from the rest of the surroundings,
how does the outline separate the mountain from the sky, how do we divide a tree from
the ground, a leaf from a branch? Where do things start and where do they end? Or,
when looking at language, how does the outline of a word (mountain) divide this object
or phenomena from the rest? It all has to do with definition.

Sandoval presents recent body of work exploring the idea of pointing and played with
the inversion of focus. Instead of addressing the subject that is being outlined, his
sculptures focus on the outline itself, both the act and its variable shape. They are
about the about.

Rodrigo Red Sandoval, Mexico City, 1985

Sandoval holds an MFA from The Glasgow School of Art and is currently based in
Holland as part of a residency at Jan Van Eyck Academy. Recent exhibitions include
Van Eyck Open Studios 2018 (Maastricht – Netherlands), Museo Legitimo, Centro de
Arte Dos de Mayo, Nov (Madrid – Spain), Bloomberg New Contemporaries, C.Juliette
Desorgues, ICA, Institute for Contemporary Arts 22th Nov- 26th Jan (London -UK).