Dreamworks at Limbo / Margate

Dreamworks curated by IKO (It’s Kind of Hard to Explain)

June 23 – July 8 2018

Participating Artists: Doug Bowen, George Chinnery, Charlotte Develter, Thomas Grogan, Rowena Harris, Andrea Zucchini 


2 Bilton Square
High Street
United Kingdom

Doug Bowen, Cherish the G}host, 2018, Vinyl on Foamboard 
Rowena Harris, #1 Microbiota, 2018, A2 Poster in Clipframe
Andrea Zucchini, The Last Human, 2018, Vinyl Text

George Chinnery, Remains of the Paper Mill, 2018, Vinyl 
Rowena Harris, #1 Microbiota, 2018, A2 Poster in Clipframe (detail)

Thomas Grogan, Alexa, Why Did You Buy Cat Food Again? 2018, Vinyl on Foamboard (detail) 
Thomas Grogan, Alexa, Why Did You Buy Cat Food Again? 2018, Vinyl on Foamboard 
IKO: Dreamworks, 2018, Exhibition Publication (detail)
Rowena Harris, #1 Microbiota, 2018, Alcohol hand dispenser
Rowena Harris, #1 Microbiota, 2018, Usable Screen Wipes
Doug Bowen, Cherish the G}host, 2018, Vinyl on Foamboard (detail)

Rowena Harris, #1 Microbiota, 2018, Alcohol hand dispenser, screen wipes on aluminium shelf,  microfibre cloth, A5 publications (available for download via itskindof.com) in acrylic mounts 
Doug Bowen, Cherish the G}host, 2018, Vinyl on Foamboard (detail)
Thomas Grogan, Alexa, Why Did You Buy Cat Food Again? 2018, Vinyl on Foamboard (detail)
Thomas Grogan, Alexa, Why Did You Buy Cat Food Again? 2018, Vinyl on Foamboard (detail)

Charlotte Develter, Suzanne, 2018, 3D animation on monitor, 5”50’ (still)

Charlotte Develter, Suzanne, 2018, 3D animation on monitor, 5”50’ (still)

Charlotte Develter, Suzanne, 2018, 3D animation on monitor, 5”50’ (still)

Charlotte Develter, Suzanne, 2018, 3D animation on monitor, 5”50’ (still)
…A project where 1,2,3,4,5,6 artists 
(Doug Bowen, George Chinnery, Charlotte Develter, 
Thomas Grogan, Rowena Harris and Andrea Zucchini)
have been commissioned 
to present ideas 
[that would be considered] 
impossible to produce,
perform or exist.

Continuing the trajectory in
their practices and research, 
this exhibition showcases 
extensions of the artist’s intentions.

In friction with formal phenomenology of art, 
where you look at // 
// you deal with the visual object in front of you,
this projects places prominence on the artists ideas
[and one would argue, that] 
you cannot look at an idea.

       You cannot look at an action, when it is presented as a guide…………….
    You cannot look at an object, when it is presented as a concept……….
     You cannot look at a performance, when it is presented as a script……

In presentING,
familiar aesthetics, actions or materialities
[within the artist’s practices]
have been stretched, warped and re-engine-er-ed
[to create] 
All photos by Corey Bartle-Sanderson