Double Irish Dutch Sandwich at JosédelaFuente / Santander, Spain

Double Irish Dutch Sandwich /curated by Beatriz Escudero and Francesco Giaveri

22 September – 10 November, 2018

with works by Maxim Liulca, Ion Macareno and Sergio Verastegui

Daoíz y Velarde, 26
39003 Santander, Spain

Sergio Verastegui(floor), Ion Macareno and Maxim Luilca (back)

Ion Macareno (left), Maxim Luilca (right)

Ion Macareno (bottom), Sergio Verastegui

Maxim Luilca

The surfaces, volumes and stories that interest us show their folds and complexities the more we dig into them, under their skin. Our understanding swings between the visible and the invisible; the obvious becomes mysterious and the dark becomes clear.

Double Irish Dutch Sandwich refers to a scheme used to evade taxes: a dance of capitals that move from one country to another to erase the trace of their presence and end up in a tax haven where they disappear. This strategy with its juicy language and elusive schemes attends as a metaphor to explore the limits between the obvious and the mysterious.

Avoiding the straight line, this project appeals to the observers’ attention to find traces and signs, addressing the cumulative nature of speculation through proposals that are confronted with tradition and do not seek to hide but reveal what they present. Between the folds of the works gathered in this project – under what it seems at first sight opaque surface – we discover signs that remain, material strata that accumulate in an apparent infinity of repetition and become evidences.
*fragment of the text by Beatriz Escudero and Francesco Giaveri