Timon & Melchior Grau, Guillaume Maraud, Richard Nikl, Alison Veit, 23102015, 650mAh
21. June – 11. August
shore gallery
Glockengasse 21 Vienna 1020
Alison Veit
Richard Nikl
Guillaume Maraud
Timon & Melchior Grau
Alison Veit
Guillaume Maraud
Alison Veit
In this group show, particular objects are coming together, merging to a temporary unit. The title is less a denominator than a description. Meaning that the exhibition does not have an overreaching theme under which the participants are united but it is organised as an aggregation.
Just results of distinct practices compiled in a way that numerous connections can be drawn between them. A loose arrangement. Allowing differences, while being together.
So it will be just a plain group show? Maybe so particularly simple that it is a mannerism of the format…