Neringa Vasiliauskaitė / DebutantInnen 2019
5 September – 2 October, 2019
Galerie der Künstler
Maximilianstraße 42
80538 Munich
Daniel Milnes
Surface, ever unfolding, folds beyond itself,
Each crease a trace of the compromised whole.
Longing to tear, conditioned to hold.
Conditioned by the mould.
As leaky inside turns out and hidden is bared,
Epithelial design becomes its new protector:
Soft tightness upgraded to a durability noticeably smoother.
Polymerised high performance with cool mineral support
Flattens material’s raw complexion and
Spins it to an advanced free, radical strength
That forgets the air in which it transpires.
Shed to breathe again.
Ghost the shell.
Leave behind scaled impressions and live in new skin.
New skin,
Born of suffocating daughters, shifting shape,
Pushing through the layers in generations,
Emerging to an epidermal conformity that strengthens the fabric.
Impregnatable, impregnated,
A smart, supple envelope. Disconnected interface.
Neringa Vasiliauskaite (b.1984, Lithuania; lives and works in Munich) received her arts educa-
tion at Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich and the Vilnius Art Academy, Vilnius. Exhibiti-
ons: Vent Gallery, Vienna (upcoming); Galerie der Künstler, Munich; Miranda Kuo gallery, New
York; Städtische Galerie Villingen Schwenningen; Vartai Gallery, Vilnius; Kunstverein Mün-
chen; Ulm Museum; Westwerk, Hamburg.