Panorama #03 at Galeria Fran Reus / Palma de Mallorca

Guillem S. Arquer
Vittorio Bianchi
Jacobo Bugarín
Joan Cabrer
Robert Cervera
Irati Inoriza
Christian Lagata
Mercedes Pimiento
Miquel Ponce
Helena Vinent

December 13 – 12 March 2020

Galeria Fran Reus
Passeig Mallorca 4
07012 – Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Images by Grimalt de Blanch and cortesy of Galeria Fran Reus

Panorama #03 is the result of the third open call Panorama 2019 aimed at emerging artists who carry out their work in contemporary artistic practices. This call is intended to make visible their works, putting them on the market, and therefore, giving them an opportunity to get in touch with the gallery world through a collective exhibition.
For this edition these are the ten artist and a collective selected from 113 proposals received: Guillem S. Arquer, Vittorio Bianchi, Jacobo Bugarín, Joan Cabrer, Robert Cervera, Garcia_Fernández, Irati Inoriza, Christian Lagata, Mercedes Pimiento, Miquel Ponce and Helena Vinent.