Alex Frost at Firstsite / Colchester

Alex Frost / Unboxing

February 8 – April 19, 2020


Lewis Gardens, High Street,
Colchester, Essex

Unboxing Alex Frost is an exhibition of videos and sculptures made from products that feed our ‘on-the-go’ lifestyle, like frozen pizzas and supermarket sandwiches. It includes videos from Frost’s ‘Wet Unboxing’ series, in which meals, snacks, protein shakes, vitamin tablets and energy drinks are submerged and unpacked underwater.

Alex Frost is an artist based in London. His art captures an optimised and energised life ‘on-the-go’. Whether making objects for a gallery or producing videos for online circulation the life he encapsulates is one where consumption rules all life.

Find out more about Alex Frost:

Images by Anna Lukala