Patric Sandri & Adam Thompson at Vebikus Kunsthalle / Schaffhausen

Patric Sandri & Adam Thompson

Me, You, Myself, Yourself, I and You

6 March – 19 April 2020

Vebikus – Kunsthalle, Schaffhausen (CH)

this exhibition, the two artists Patric Sandri and Adam Thompson want to use the
conventional exhibition format in a new way and break up the exhibition rhythm
lived up to now. Instead of a classical juxtaposition of works created in the
studios of the two artists, they are striving for an intensive collaboration.

are exchanging works of art that have already begun and works that have not yet
been completed. These are then viewed, interpreted and completed in the studio
of the other artist in his or her own way. Their aim is to present, in contrast
to the usual, jointly created works which, as in a symbiosis, can no longer be
viewed separately and thus merge into a new whole, a new work.
works developed together for the exhibition space are only completed together
in the exhibition space and are thus to a certain extent bound to the
exhibition space. The exhibition space thus becomes a shared studio of

two artists are curious to what extent their personal way of working and view
of their own work changes when they are confronted with different approaches to
work. To what extent can such a confrontation detach one from one’s own
artistic universe, expand it or even complete it?