NO PLACE LIKE HOME at Espai Tactel / Valencia


Participating artists: Aggtelek, Anzo, Paco Chanivet, Christo & Andrew, Fito Conesa, Natacha Lesueur, Amanda Moreno, Guillermo Ros, Michael Roy, Luis Úrculo and the archive of JL Quintana Mayer

Co-curated with Fito Conesa

12 April 2020 – 31 May 2020

Espai Tactel

C/ Caballeros, 35. 2º. p3
46001 Valencia, Spain

Amanda Moreno

Fito Conesa

Paco Chanivet

The exhibition No Place Like Home as sprung upspontaneously as a way of not brusquely interrupting the gallery programming at Espai Tactel. The gallery owners, Ismaël Chappaz and Juanma Menero, live behind the Gallery. Two openings, two doors, two millimetrethick cuts into the white cube separate the artistic from the domestic. Withoutdoubt a fragile line, a blurredfrontier and such a subtle fold in their lives,which has been totally erased in the confinement. Ismaël and Juanma are living in a gallery of contemporary art.Thus, the exhibition is not simply something with whichto cover onlinecontent, but a way of resumingtheir activity in the framework of this new normality.No superproduction, no “we will overcome”, but a continuing line drawn on the paper with a sure hand. […]