Francesc Ruiz Abad at Dràcul·la / L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain

 Francesc Ruiz Abad / Overproduction is Over 

19 September – 19 October, 2020


C/ Leonardo da vinci 21

L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

Overproduction is Over is a solo show by Francesc Ruiz Abad presented at Dràcul·la’s rooftop. Dràcul·la is an industrial building in the neighbourhood of Sant Josep, on the outskirts of Barcelona.

The show is composed of a concise selection of the artist’s recent paintings and drawings, focusing on the specific dialogues between the roof’s architecture and its possibilities for displaying paintings.

The large size paintings have multiple installation systems. Sometimes they refer to solid building materials such as iron and other times they appeal to mobility through their impact by a gentle puff of air.

The exhibition is conceived as an itinerary of subtle interventions that amplify and give alternative narratives to the paintings themselves. The idea of the painting as a window, the deception in depiction, the trompe l’oeil or the intertextual references to papers and sketches are semiotics that the artist uses throughout his practice. Those ideas reverberate among the pieces of the show, which head towards an accumulative production process.

Francesc Ruiz Abad (Palamós 1990) holds a bachelor in Fine Arts from The University of Barcelona and was an exchange student at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. He has shown his work individually in Pouvoir et Fatigue (Le Beffroi, France), Still Cuba (XIII Bienal de la Habana, Cuba), Night on Earth (Mannerheim Gallery, France), A la corda fluixa (Ana Mas Projects, Spain), Copy to Learn, Learn to Copy (The LODGE, USA), I Didn’t Know I Was Collecting, Arranz Bravo Fundation (L’Hopsitalet de Llobregat, Spain). He has participated in various group shows such as Juntos Aparte (BIENALSUR, Colombia), Novembre à Vitry (Jean Collet Galerie, France) and Zeichnung Protest (GfZK, Germany) among others. He’s the author of several publications and he gave internationally lectures such as Paper Exhibitions; 2016 New York Art Book Fair in MoMA PS1 and Hiding Maps; Yarat Art Center Azerbaijan.