Pegasus Mythical Garden
Dargelos Kersten, Anton Peitersen, Gernot Seeliger
Perfomer Flurin Mück / / / / Michael Poganiatz
Curator Galerie Sinem Arslan
Marie’s Happy Food and Drinks / Greinwaldstrasse 2 / 82327 Tutzing
Restaurant Forsthaus Ilkahöhe / Oberzeismering 2 / 82327 Tutzing
Nordbad / Nordbadstrasse 1 / 82327 Tutzing
Opening 05.06 ////// Exhibition 06.06 – 04.09.2021
Cultural objects,
that is human made items, are made from a soup of myth, tradition, language and
memes while at the same time they are actively shaping their own material.
Pegasus, a character from antique mythology, nowadays is often used as company
logo signifying movement.
Antique narration, as well as technical means
and ideas have been passed on through time. This means they themselves have
experienced changes. How antique life may have been is in itself a narration,
that is being written today, for which finds of archeological objects as well
as textual records serve as references. A site such as Pompeii is so
interesting because of the idea, that a moment in time has been frozen and that
the traces have been conserved through time and not fallen victim to the
carving of tradition or nature.
But a contemporary collection of neglected
furniture on any street corner, may just as well represent such a trace and
snapshot. What remains of a civilisation, given it was possible to gain access,
is mostly what for there had been no interest, what was deemed use- or
worthless. Today there is more rubbish than ever before, consisting of
materials that may last longer as ever before.
A material such as particleboard has
equivalently inscribed in itself the state of being scanned at the cash
register and being pissed upon on the sidewalk. The broken off corner is
synonymous to the defect of the bedroom closet. To see the amalgam of wood and
glue underneath the imitation of the look of real (often scratched up) wood,
creates a feeling of discomfort and the closet thus must be replaced by a new
Pegasus Product dedicates itself to the broken
off, open edge, the civilisational grime and creates artifacts and props of a
contemporary mythology as a lens for examination of one’s own existence and as
a tool to locate oneself.