Encounters In Landscape at Spoiler / Berlin

Encounters In Landscape

Benedikt Bock, Stelios Karamanolis, Alice Morey, Tula Plumi, Oskar Schmidt, Carolin Seeliger, Nina Wiesnagrotzki  

8-10 April 2022

Spoiler Aktionsraum, Quitzowstr. 108a 10551 Berlin Moabit

Carolin Seeliger

Oskar Schmidt

Benedikt Bock

Nina Wiesnagrotzki

Alice Morey

Stelios Karamanolis

Tula Plumi

Oskar Schmidt

 Nina Wiesnagrotzki

Alice Morey

As he, toothbrush in mouth, opened the door to the living room
through a crack, a flood of light pushed through his eyes and into his brain,
whitening everything he saw or thought. Everything differed only by the minimal
gradations of white. His white legs took a step on the bright white wooden
floorboards and orphaned into a light white whole, from which Robert had to
explain to himself about the feeling of his legs walking across a floorboard
simultaneously as his own legs were walking across a floorboard. The planks of
his living room floor. The room was garish white, the dining and work table
where normally a pile of things lay, had now formed a multi-coloured topography
of things that stood out; A white shadow, a little less white then the room, in
front a flickering chair and next to it there stood a well-stocked bookshelf
whose colourful protagonists of paper and printer’s ink blurred into a dazzling
collection of varying white knowledge.

Weiss wissen,
Robert thought, wie weiss was wissen.  

Weissen was wissen. 

Weise Wiesen wie weiss wer was tut was wissen, weiss ich nicht

Weisst du was Wissen? 

Wiesen wie weise Waisen wissen.

Wssn. Wssn. Wssn. Wssn…. Robert drooled a little, while the cream
in his mouth was turned into white foam by the toothbrush in regular circles.
Then Robert’s brain turned back on and before him the lake unfolded in razor
sharp focus. Finally, the embrace.

-Benedikt Bock