Eva Anerrapsi, Maria F
Dolores, Anastasia Douka, Dora Economou, Selma Köran, Irini Miga, Rallou
Panagiotou, Nina Papaconstantinou, Natasha Papadopoulou, Nana Sachini, Georgia
Sagri, Beate Scheder, Sofia Touboura, Marina Velisioti, Kyveli Zoi and 1992
(Ioanna Mitza & Pegy Zali)
Dolores, Anastasia Douka, Dora Economou, Selma Köran, Irini Miga, Rallou
Panagiotou, Nina Papaconstantinou, Natasha Papadopoulou, Nana Sachini, Georgia
Sagri, Beate Scheder, Sofia Touboura, Marina Velisioti, Kyveli Zoi and 1992
(Ioanna Mitza & Pegy Zali)
codependet curatorial by Xenia Kalpaktsoglou & Olympia Tzortzi
17.02. – 11.03.2023
Kallirois 122
11741 Athens
11741 Athens
Installation shots Callirrhöe, Athens
Photo © Alexandra Masmanidi, 2023
“And all of the sudden I was taking my friend to
the hospital. My friend smiled at me, put her fist in the air and
entered through the glass door. My friend is a very strong person. My
friend is a fighter. My friend is Beate and this is dedicated to
In the frame of a circle of friendship, nineteen femininities come together to
address the notion of receiving and providing care in order to survive in
environments that challenge their very existence. Going beyond the fixed notion
of the family and the recent commodification of wellness via life coaching and
individualist self-care app trends, they focus on affectivity, solidarity,
relationality and interdependence over charity, self-indulgence,
self-preservation and resilience. They push back against disadvantages by
bringing forward vulnerability and codependence, as ways to go through the
world with one another, in a spirit of radical kinship and hope.
address the notion of receiving and providing care in order to survive in
environments that challenge their very existence. Going beyond the fixed notion
of the family and the recent commodification of wellness via life coaching and
individualist self-care app trends, they focus on affectivity, solidarity,
relationality and interdependence over charity, self-indulgence,
self-preservation and resilience. They push back against disadvantages by
bringing forward vulnerability and codependence, as ways to go through the
world with one another, in a spirit of radical kinship and hope.