Amandine Maas at GALERIE CHLOE SALGADO / Paris

‘5 impasse des panoramas’ / Amandine Maas

18 March – 22 April, 2023

61 rue de Saintonge

75003 Paris

Photo: Grégory Copitet, Aurélien Mole © GALERIE CHLOE SALGADO

A graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, Amandine Maas is a multidisciplinar artist who thrived for a time through performance art, before devoting herself today to ceramic works.

In blocks of clay, she draws, engraves and sculpts figurative images in low relief, before enamelling them. Because of their rectangular format, her works evoke at times the pages of a notebook, at others the squares of a comic strip, like stories waiting to be told.

For her first solo exhibition, Amandine Maas invites us 5 impasse des panoramas to discover an intimate story, inspired by the history of painting and popular culture, but also by her summer evenings and her fleeting obsessions for the most diverse and varied subjects: ridiculous dogs, lost keys, the birth of a fern. 

The exhibition is accompanied by a text written by Franck Balland and Noémie Pacaud, respectively head of cultural development and production manager at the Fondation Pernod Ricard.