The artist’s dream of the insect’s innermost desire
14 January – 19 February 2023
Mårtenstorget 3
223 51 Lund
Our exhibition is a chapter as short as a moth’s wingbeat
The ghost of a fly that lived in this house 700 years ago knows that I will soon be a corpse
its descendants will lay their eggs in me
The eggs will hatch and thousands of larvae will crawl inside me
eat my rotting flesh and grow and become flies
It’s the ghost fly’s inherent instincts
Insights in insects are often formulated that way
My corpse becomes involved in the insect’s
innermost desire
How to make an exhibition in a house where things have already happened for 700 years
Then think that
700 more years pass
We are already corpses already decayed, gone, forgotten
But the artist’s ghost still sits in the basement and tries to figure things out
how to be able to make this exhibition
how a work can come to see the light of day in the very time in which it lives
How to make it the opposite
to the ghost it is
before it happens
Art is also a ghost
but it is a ghost inside the artist’s mind
like my studio, it has only a drapery like a fluttering membrane
An idea for a plastic or metal sculpture or a painting
can be killed like a fly
was beaten to death with a wooden shoe against a stone wall in 1349
What kind of unfinished business can a 14th century insect really have
that makes it haunt us?
Bugs will eat my corpse when I die
My body becomes a home for many different individuals
With unique fluttering, crawling, smacking sounds
Their community can be compared to the community that existed in a studio collective in Malmö for a very, very short period
text: Julia Selin