Hydra Boost Komplex
Tula Plumi, Michaela Zimmer, Anne Gathmann, Davide Lantermoz, Erika Krause, Benedikt Terwiel /Miguel Fernández, DAG
8.6- 11.6 2023
Gesundbrunnen Center
Brunnenstr.105-109 13357 Berlin
images credits: Eric Tschernow, Davide Lantermoz, Tula Plumi, Erika Krause
Hydra Boost Komplex
The dry, hot atmosphere of industrial power seems so far removed from the naturalistic yearning for water, but somewhere halfway there’s the steam and the rust and the hydraulic mechanics that tie the industrial human to the cycles of the earth. Somewhere in that realm there is beauty and heart and art nourishes. In rawness and complexity. In rhythm and arbitrary motion. Are intuition and mathematical construction really at war with each other?
The cyclistic nature of everything reveals its omnipresence in the technological realm, it is upon the artist to invent and avert.
Through canvas and concrete and in spatial installations, these artists are in non lingual conversation with each other and the expansion surrounding them. Maybe you are part of the dialogue… or maybe you are just here to listen? The works you are looking at are not the result of regurgitation and perpetual reference and self reference. Pay attention to the materials, the tools, the dimensions, the command the piece has over the space it occupies. Listen without arguing. Think without prejudice. You have nothing to prove here. Just ingest anything the art exudes and stop… before you try to counter.
— Sarah Gannouchkine