Guang Jun Life As It Is
Curated by Cai Meng
Space Designed by Sun Hua
November 17, 2023 – January 1, 2024
Central Academy of Fine Arts, Art Museum
Beijing, China
Guang Jun was born in Shenyang, Republic of China, in June 1938. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1964 and is a professor teaching Fine Art. Shows : 1978-1980 Three exhibitions of the “May Print Society”. 1982 6th National Print Exhibition, one woodblock collection National Art Museum of China. 1985 “Uncompleted Art Exhibition” Three prints Collection of National Art Museum of China. 1985 1986 Life in France. AIX Academy of Fine Arts and Marseille Art Exhibition France, China, Japan. Solo Show Alma Gallery of Lyon. In 1986 Lyon Library collected 9 works. 1987 Woodcarvings creation for the Woodcarvers Association, Association Le Bois Gravé, Paris Show Chinese Prints Georges Pompidou Museum with Galerie Lise Cormery at FIAC and A & C. Curator Bibliothèque Nationale Claude Bouret and Christophe Comentale. 1987 2nd Oil Painting Exhibition National Art Museum of China 1988 Oil Painting Human Body Art Exhibition in the National Art Museum of China 1991 Beijing-Taipei Contemporary Print Exhibition 1992 A Thousand Printmakers from China in Taiwan, China, the British Museum collects one work. 1993 Design and Print Exhibition, Seoul, South Korea “Sino-Japanese Universities (Tokyo, Japan, China Central Academy of Fine Art) 1996 South Korea Creative Print Association Exhibition, six works collectionDr. Ludwig, Germany 1997 The Nagoya, Japan – Beijing International Print Exhibition (Tokyo and Beijing) 1998 Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Painters in Shanghai in 1998 1999 IMPACT Bristol, UK 2000 Romania Opening of Chinese and Romanian Print Exhibition Art Year of China 2005 Retrospective Twenty-Years of Chinese Silkscreen Prints Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts 2006 Prints Exhibition Shenzhen Guanlan Art Museum 2007 Shenzhen · Guanlan International Print Biennial.