钟笛鸣曾在希腊比雷埃夫斯的The Intermission机构;纽约Chapter画廊;米兰Fanta-MLN;波特兰Adams and Ollman画廊;以及深圳关山月美术馆等地举办个展。她的作品曾在国际上展出,包括首尔三星美术馆;纽约皇后区Sculpture Center;康涅狄格州里奇菲尔德的奥尔德里奇当代艺术博物馆;慕尼黑Deborah Schamoni;伦敦/纽约Grimm Gallery;纽约/华沙Galerie Wschód;巴黎Marguo画廊;洛杉矶in lieu;墨西哥城Peana;纽约YveYANG;泽西市Mana Contemporary;北京HUA国际画廊;等。她的作品曾被《FlashArt》《ArtAsiaPacific》《Mousse杂志》《艺术与文本》《纽约时报》《艺术在美国》等刊物评论。她即将展开的项目包括美国达拉斯的The Powerstation和休斯顿亚洲艺术协会的全新委托创作。
Stella Zhong(b. 1993, China)currently lives and works in New York, NY. She holds a BFA in Glass from Rhode Island School of Design and an MFA from Yale University.
Stella Zhong’s sculptural environments are vast and stark, registered by scarcely visible objects in quiet chaos. Making tactile the cosmic and infinitesimal at once, Zhong’s acute scale-shift magnifies solitude and connectivity, refracting contemporary experiences—simultaneity, alienation, existential humor and uncertainty—shared yet ultimately incurving. Each of Zhong’s hermetic worlds is calibrated to a radical condition—like a particle accelerator absent of friction—to observe the revolutionary potential of smallness in one, in another, to feel hope and momentum in inert states.