The Scales of Persona and Possibility at Super Dakota / Brussels

The Scales of Persona and Possibility

Alex Clarke, Sarah Derat,
Fischli & Weiss, Douglas Gordon, Wade Guyton, 
Louis Malle, Adam Pendleton,
Mitchell Syrop, Raymond Pettibon, Robert Rauschenberg

18 April – 26 May, 2018

45 rue Washingtonstraat

B – 1050 Brussels

The show is a poetic
reflexion on being at the crossroad of the known and the unknown. It
investigates the place of the self as an enabler or disrupter through different
frameworks and its effects on our ethos.
The more people I
meet the more I like my friends

I retain the
right to do whatever I want

So I’m told

The back of the
neck of Grace Kelly.

You begin with
the possibilities of the material

We’re just going
around all day like unconscious machines, and meanwhile there’s all this rage
and worry and uneasiness just building up and building up inside us

I have a
beautiful cock.

No one can help
me with my work. I think I do best when I am just left alone.

What do you mean?         Thanks.           I don’t know.

When I see a
train, I want to take it in my arms

There is no
device to record it


It’s been my


What would John
Baldessari do?

I was always
afraid this would happen some day
I put my trust in
the materials that confront me, because they put me in touch with the unknown.
It’s then that I begin to work… when I don’t have the comfort of sureness and

Sometimes there’s
a vacuum that has to be covered.

realer real

does one become famous?