“Sunbathing in the mud” / Simon Laureyns
13 March – 28 April, 2021
A+B Gallery [new location]
Corsetto Sant’Agata 22
25121 Brescia, Italy
Sunbathing in the mud is Simon Laureyns’ third solo exhibition at A+B Gallery, first in the new venue. The inauguration will be Saturday 13 March 2021 from 3 pm to 9 pm. The exhibition presents a new series of three-dimensional and large-sized wall works, for the first time to the public, moreover the exhibition project establishes a close relationship with the architectural features of the gallery.
The new series of works was born from the practice in the studio and from the reflection on Shelter Painting, works already exhibited in this gallery in 2018, and in the Galerie Jerome Pauchant in Paris in 2019. The works therefore arise from the manipulation of the fabric of the camping tents used and recovered by the artist according to their chromatic and wear characteristics.
“His works arise from the relationship between the practice in his studio and world practice, distinct moments, but which inevitably influence each other incessantly” (G. Tosi). This influence coincides with the production of apparently solid minimal units that the artist composes by sewing portions of curtains. These minimal units arise from an incessant observation of the city, from the study through drawing and from the transformation into almost anthropomorphic subjects.
Laureyns reduces the practice of the world into a soft material that can be manipulated and therefore this material is subject to the rules of composition and painting. In this way, the artist creates volumetric elements which, losing their solidity and functionality, can be summarized in an original discipline.
SIMON LAUREYNS, Ghent 1979, where he lives and works. In 2020 he collaborates with Borken Arm Paris; the collective exhibition One Day Art Project, Salon Blanc, Oostend, BE; Neighbours vol. 8, Riot Gallery, Ghent, BE; and the personal Rover, Galerie Jerome Pauchant, Paris, FR all of 2019. In 2018 the collective Zero, Galerie Jerome Pauchant, Paris, FR; Neighbours vol. 7, Jan Colle Gallery, Ghent, BE; The Gathering, Panthera.Today, Brussels, BE; The Last dance, Autocenter, Berlin, DE and the personal Skinny Dipping, A+B GALLERY, Brescia IT. Nel 2017 participates to the collective Memories of an Elephant, Khunstaus, Essen DE; Fuocoapaesaggio, Forte di Monte Ricco, Pieve di Cadore, IT; Silent, genious at work! Duo show with Manor Grunewald, Galerie Jerome Pauchant, Parigi, FR e What about the color pink, do you like pink? Geukend & De Vil gallery.