AEG (all energy gone) at Rathenau-Hallen / Berlin

AEG (all energy gone)

Sara Rossi, Sarah Rosengarten, Maria Kremeti, Ivan Geddert, Burkhard Beschow and Felix Amerbacher

02.06. – 06.06.

Rathenau-Hallen, Oberschöneweide
Wilhelminenhofstraße 83-85, 12459 Berlin

Many thanks to +DEDE and Treptow-Ateliers for making Rathenau Halle accessible to us.

Felix Amerbacher

Felix Amerbacher

Felix Amerbacher

Sarah Rosengarten

Sara Rossi

Sara Rossi

Sara Rossi

Maria Kremeti

Burkhard Beschow

Burkhard Beschow

Burkhard Beschow

Ivan Geddert

Ivan Geddert

Ivan Geddert

Felix Amerbacher

Felix Amerbacher

Felix Amerbacher

Sarah Rosengarten

There is a special interest in the conditions of the venue which played an important part in putting the exhibition together. This includes questions on the development of industry and its literal mechanisms. The works enter a dialogue with the nowadays mostly functionless architecture of the Rathenau-Hallen, named after Emil Rathenau the founder of AEG.