Loreen Oihartzuna (The echo of the flowers) at Bapore Atelier / Balmaseda-Bizkaia

Loreen Oihartzuna (The echo of the flowers)

Nadia Barkate, Javier Arbizu, Paula García-Masedo, Alberto Salcedo and Aitane Landa

Curated by Bapore Atelier

2 April – 19 June 2022

Bapore Atelier



Basque Country, Spain

Photography by Rocio Agudo

The echo is born by propagating its origin. A relationship between some elements makes the primary motif resonate. A voice is projected and the sound bounces until it builds a body, that reaches us, transforming itself every instant. The journey changes that initial thrust. The link that is generated between the bodies that have bounced that voice gives place for a participated experience. The coexistence between Nadia Barkate, Javier Arbizu, Paula García-Masedo, Alberto Salcedo and Aitane Landa, in the exhibition hall of Palacio Horcasitas, offers us pieces and processes that also reverberate with the presence of the public.

They are very different shapes, like the multiplicity of flowers, converging in a prop for extraordinary, everyday stories. Each person will appreciate different emotions and understand the signs and metaphors according to its own understanding. While walking through the exhibition, as a course between real images and figurations, stories that we have experienced from and with flowers, or that we would like to experience, reverberate. The relationships between ancestral and present figures and flowers, signs and metaphors, spread sensitive experiences that move between vitality and death. Flowers as an echo of our becoming.