In the Studio #198 Phaidonas Gialis / Cologne and Athens

Phaidonas Gialis, Self Portrait / Studio View

    Crackling Sun, Film Still, 11:15, 2021.

Crackling Sun, Film Still, 11:15, 2021.

The Danger Of Seeing Reality Through Shape, 3D render printed on PLC-Plakat paper, glued to the wall, and ripped off, 2m x 2m, 2019.

Damaged Body, Film Still, 2:27, 2020.

The Variable Clause Of Fire, Screenshot, python script with an embedded story and video, 2019

Phaidonas Gialis (Athens, 1986) is a digital, multidisciplinary artist. 

He lives and works between Cologne, Germany and Athens, Greece

*All images courtesy and copyright of the artist