Struang Teague at ECC Project Room / Chieri

Struan Teague ECCPROJECTS #13 

18 September – 15 October 2023 

ECC Project Room 
Via Martiri della Libertà 2 
10023 Chieri TO Italy

Struan Teague (Edinburgh, 1991) lives and works in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Struan Teague’s paintings form an abstract and poetic visual language, rooted in
experience of dyslexia. A multi-sensory engagement is encouraged through the
evident traces of touch and subtly shifting tones of natural pigment. Combinations
of drawings and photographs offer an insight into Teague’s process, building
intuitive and abstract visual structures out of close observation with everyday
surroundings. The automatism of lines, scratches, gestures, small dabs of colour on
textured ground, and off-centre compositions open up new spaces of possibility that
resist critical dogmatism, conceptual rationalism, and language as mere