Josse Bailly & Cassidy Toner at Fasan / Basel

Artist(s): Josse Bailly, Cassidy Toner
Curator: Martin Chramosta
Art space: Fasan
Address: Riehenring 185, 4058 Basel, Switzerland,
Duration: 09/08/2024 - 01/09/2024
Credits: Nico Müller

Verni Grill

Josse Bailly & Cassidy Toner at Fasan, Riehenring 185, 4058 Basel


There was a fire outside. Indoors, three alabaster stones gleamed.
Each of them had the same name and a pale light burned inside their hearts.
They all seemed to be looking up at the walls, where gargoyles hovered with their staring eyes.
From the walls, within easy reach of the Nameless Ones, white cables led down
into the agitated but petrified balls and fed their inner flames.