This right here is not weathered by time, it’s still sleek and chromelike. It’s held many different meanings to different people. If a plasma screen shows the same image for long enough, it burn in, it stays there, a VH1 logo in the corner-mounted tv at a grill joint. Here there is no such memory, things don’t stay around or leave marks, they just pass. Discourse relies on a shared frame of reference, you’d never speak anything in full, most things are already known. Even when I string vowels to form -honestly- fully original words, people relate them to the fall of some political figure, or the scene at this and that café in some central-european metropolis. Why would I be talking about that? I want to talk from where we are here now, I’ll shape a dog’s mouth with
my thumb and pointer, illustrate new ideas with old imagery. Ownership is transferred at the point of sale, lineage is traced through narrow streets and carved in vaulted church ceilings. What we both know might come from something untrue. That is, it’s easier to remember a story if it’s funny, and the world is big and boring.
– Fritjof Krabbe Nørretranders